Saturday, 17 August 2013

Dull Day

I saw this Painting in a magazine. It was of a girl drawing these animals that came to life and flew out of their page and it stuck on my mind for quite a while after. Couple of days latter I was stuck at home sick on a particularly sunny day. Tired of listening to screams of joy from children playing and the wafting smell of BBQs from outside my window, I figured I'd try out my own version of the Painting I'd seen. My cat (Diego) sorta happened to be there so I drew him as well.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Sea Creature



Water has got to be one of the hardest things to draw I feel, but creatures that live in water are pretty fun to draw. Although the whale like eel thing was fairly simple to draw, painting it was a little tougher trying to blend various shades of blue. The waves at the end were drawing using that really famous Japanese painting as reference and are mostly there just so I didn't have to draw the rest of the body.

3D Modal




This being the first "living" thing I've created in 3D max I wasn't exactly sure where to begin, but eventually I managed to shape and reshape a cylinder in to something that resembled my painting and applied a modifier to smooth it out.   

Alien Landscape



Shaded Rocky

It was only after I was half way through the first drawing that I began to question how exactly I'm supposed to draw extra terrestrial terrain. After all I've never been to an alien planet and have no idea how geometry would be formed in an atmosphere other than Earth's, so potentially I could of just drawn a bunch of upside down ice-cream cones in the middle of a rock that resembled James Cameron and it would have been just as plausible. However I suppose that would have been a little too Alien, so instead I took reference from already existing mountain landscapes (Earthen origin) and just made the terrain more pointed or curvy.

Turret Paint-over

Turret Modal


I feel a little guilty for making the turret brown like every other weaponised technology in games, but to be fair if I had painted it blue or purple then that would have been even less plausible then a mounted hunk of metal that fired ionised death charges at would be aggressors. 

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Birthday Card 3



One of the cards I actually managed to finish, and yes he did like it.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

2D Task: Halloween




Pumpkin Heads

Finished Painting

Pumpkins are fun to draw but if I'm honest I kinda like the reaper a lil more.

Life Sketch's of 96

Chris & Sam



Sorcha & Laura

The people I was lucky enough to spend my formative year of university living with, were kind enough to stand still for a few mins while I practiced the traditional art tracing their likeness using lead. (I drew them)

Abstract Chris & Laura

They got board of standing still so I tried drawing 2 of them from memory, along with some weird semblance of style.


Then I got board..

A ship.. but in Space


Base color

Plain Color

3D Dragon

Drake 1

Drake 2

Drake 3

Drake 4

Drake 5
I sketched out a couple of different types of dragons, but the general idea seems to be that they are basically lizards with more horns & spikes on them.

Getting better with Zbrush, but I don't think I've quite wrapped my head around adding finer details. 

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Character Modaling Exercise


20 Mins

Friday, 18 January 2013

Birthday Card

I think they liked it, I'm not sure. I've actually started drawing a whole bunch of cards for people, but this is the only one I've managed to complete so far. I can never seem finish them on time.

96. Thank God it wasn't 69



Flat Colour


One of the best years of my life.

Steampunk Frog

A frog, But steampunk

Another project that probably should have been up here sooner, I give you the  Steampunk frog (I haven't thought of a name for him yet).
Fun Fact (sort of): this painting was my first genuine attempt at lighting and shading, Id like to think that it was a good first attempt but I'll let the scholars among you decide.

(as if scholars would be caught dead on this blog)

Insect people

Character 1

Character 2

Character 3

Sebastian the Eagle!

This was an assignment from year 1 of university that for one reason or an other I never got round to posting but for better or for worse its on here now.
The idea was to come up with characters that had insect like quality's to them. I don't remember why I made all of mine gangsters and the first three paintings are as such, and are also some of my first attempts at shading (I think I might have gone a little overboard). The final painting was me fleshing out my favorite of the the first three and trying to give him more character. I also gave him an eagle named Sebastian, Because eagles are cool.  

Tree. Its a Tree

Sketch 1

Sketch 2


Not a whole lot to say about this one. Its a tree, enjoy.