Monday 25 April 2016

Book 6

Merra 2



The last two drawings on Merralion’s backstory page were, like Malbraxes’s, there to show the beginning and the end her story. Namely her blocking the sun to help others through the dessert, and her despair at learning what her actions caused. With those last two pictures done all that was left to do was arrange them on to the page and add the rest of the text.

Sunday 24 April 2016

Book 5



The images for Merralion’s pages were drawn to show her interaction with other creatures, how she stays underground, tunnels her way through sand and waits to reveal herself to others when it suits her. 

Saturday 23 April 2016

Book 4

Euron 2



The two pictures on the backstory page were drawn more to show off Euron in different poses more so than to provide narrative.  Euron’s story is mostly a symbolic one in that it’s about how he feels rather than anything he accomplishes, and all he really does is crawl in to an ocean. To that end there isn’t much to draw him doing other than show off his posture etc.

Thursday 21 April 2016

Book 3





The drawings for the Euron pages were a little different from Malbraxes’s mostly because there seemed to be a little more post development when drawing them. The six drawings of Eurons head felt like they should of come before the final image, in that I was essentially redrawn with more experience.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Book 2

Malbraxes 2



Really the only notable thing about the thumbnail and final image pages is essentially just the marble plaque, and that it ended up more extravagant than anticipated. The last two pages are there to show off the drawings I’ve already done, so really it was just a matter of organization.