Tuesday 5 April 2016

Desert Dragon 2


Eventually I came to the idea of a dragon half sunk in sand and obese due to over consumption, and it was here that I started to come up with the beginnings of a backstory that centered around her guarding or protecting an area from something.



From the baseline of “a place is under protection from a dragon” the different sketches were drawn to reflect that, and the idea of her tunneling underground became a definitive feature. The idea was that this dragon had gorged itself on people, animals, prey etc. to the point that it had overeaten and could only catch more by sinking into the sand and swallowing them from beneath.

The Obese dragon angle sort of inevitably ended up with the dragon looking more than a little sand-wormish. As such in the next couple of sketches I tried to make them look a little more like dragons, and it was during this Segway that I decided upon a sun theme for the dessert dragon, in that her wings when spread to full length resemble a sun.

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